Vehicle Registration
Employee Registration
Parking Permits are available on-line. No need to walk to the Office of Public Safety, fill out any paperwork or wait in line for your permit!
- How do I register for a Parking Permit?
You can register for your Parking Permit through the UE Self-Service portal using your UE username and password. The Parking Permits link is under “UE Forms.” Click on the menu icon (upper left hand corner) > UE Forms > Employee > Parking Permits. If you need assistance with accessing self-service, please contact OTS help desk at (812) 488-2077.
- How much does a Parking Permit cost and how do I pay for it?
Parking Permits are $50 and can be paid through a quick and easy on-line payroll deduction of $10 installments over five pay periods or by cash/check at the cashier window in Student Financial Services, Olmsted 105.
- What if I am a President’s Club member or have a UE license plate - does that make a difference?
President’s Club members are asked to register their vehicles on-line simply for the purposes of being able to provide timely information in the event of an emergency (ie. Someone has damaged your vehicle and we need to notify you). President’s Club stickers will be distributed via the Office of University Advancement upon confirmation of the donation.
Discounts for UE license plates are only valid if the plate is active at the time of permit registration. There are no discounts or refunds once the permit is assigned. The discounted fee for employees who have UE license plates is $25.
- What is the process for applying and paying for a Parking Permit?
Employees will go to the appropriate link on UE Self-Service (see instructions above) and follow the processes for registering a vehicle. Once you have registered your vehicle and enrolled for payroll deduction, stop by the cashier window in Student Financial Services and pick up your Parking Permit. That’s all there is to it!
- What if I don’t want to do payroll deduction?
If you opt to pay cash/check at Student Accounts, you will still need to register your vehicle on self-service. Then you will need to print out the registration confirmation sheet and take it to the cashier window in Student Financial Services. The cashier will take your payment, mark your confirmation sheet as paid, and issue your permit. Be advised: If you choose to pay cash/check, the process will take a little longer to prepare the transactions.
- What if I lost my permit or it is stolen?
If you lose your Parking Permit or it is stolen, replacement Permits are $25 and must be paid for at the cashier’s window in Student Financial Services. Students can place the replacement charge on their student account, or pay with cash or check. Employees must pay with cash or check. Once the replacement Permit is paid for, They will assign you a new permit.
- Where do I pick up my Permit?
First floor of Ridgway University Center.
Employees with any questions concerning the application process, please contact the Office of Public Safety at 812-488-2051.
Student Registration
Parking Permit registration is available on-line. There is a different process for full-time and part-time students.
Full-time Students
Students who are registered full-time (12 hours or more) will be provided a Parking Permit at no additional cost. Please make sure you have completed your class registration process before registering your vehicle on-line and collecting your permit.
To register your vehicle, go to the UE Self-Service portal and enter your UE username and password.
The Parking Permits link is under “UE Forms.” Click on the menu icon (upper left hand corner) > UE Forms > Student > Parking Permits. If you need assistance with accessing self-service, please contact the OTS help desk at (812) 488-2077.
Fill out the registration form. Once you have registered your vehicle, proceed to the Permit Distribution location in the box below with your ID.
Part-time Students
Students who are registered as part-time (less than 12 hours) will be charged $50 for a parking permit. To register your vehicle, go to the UE Self-Service portal and enter your UE username and password. The Parking Permits link is under “UE Forms.” Click on the menu icon (upper left hand corner) > UE Forms > Student > Parking Permits.
Fill out the registration form, print out the UE vehicle registration confirmation page, and take it to the cashier's window at Student Financial Services. You can pay for the Parking Permit via your student account, or you can pay by cash/ check. Once payment is made, proceed to the Permit Distribution location in the box below with your ID and receipt.
Please note that permits are for the academic year. There are no refunds or pro-rated fees for partial academic years. There are no discounts or refunds for part-time students with UE plates.
Replacement Parking Permits
If you lose your Parking Permit, replacement Permits are $25 and must be paid for at the cashier's window in Student Financial Services. Students can place the replacement charge on their student account, or pay with cash or check. Employees must pay with cash or check. Once the replacement Permit is paid for, you will be assigned a new permit.
Fraternity Parking Permits
All fraternity members who qualify for a Fraternity Parking Permit must complete the vehicle registration process on-line and follow the same procedures as other students to obtain a parking permit from the Parking Permit Distribution Center. Students living in the Fraternity Complex (Sig Ep, FIJI, & Phi Tau) will be issued a Blue permit. Once the fraternity presidents have provided the Office of Public Safety with the list of members who are to receive a yellow Fraternity Parking Permit, the student can exchange their assigned blue permit for the yellow Fraternity Parking Permit at the Office of Public Safety.
All other fraternities (LXA, SAE, and TKE) will receive an orange permit.
If you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact the Office of Public Safety at 812-488-2051.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
First floor, General Services Building